Planning Your 2017 Goals – Weekly Challenge #40

Hey guys!

Week 3 of 3 in this 2017 goal setting challenge :
Finalizing our 2017 goals & Strategy

It’s Christmas day and many of us are spending a lot of time with family and friends – it’s busy time, but hopefully in a nice way! But it is also an important week that we have ahead of us, as it’s the last days leading up to this great breaking point THE NEW YEAR! The chance to leave the old behind and start fresh – igniting the journey towards our new goals!

Now, for the last two weeks’ we have – ideally – come up with our 2017 goals and with that an action plan for how to reach those goals. But, I know that going through this process takes can be hard and often takes more time than we think. And the importance of preparing and creating a good strategy how to go about our goals and making them last more than a couple of week’s requires that we do this properly – it will dramatically increase our chances of reaching those goals.

That’s why we are giving ourselves one extra week of getting clarity with our goals and finalizing our plans for how to reach them. That means that there still is time – hurray!

So basically nothing new this week and by the end of the week you’ll (IF YOU HAVN’T ALREADY, then great job) have seven goals in in the seven life key areas:

• Spiritual (The area which is hardest to grasp if you haven’t done any active work on previously, but the area that makes the most difference. DON’T neglect! Breathing, meditation, stress-management, finding your true self or any religious believes you may have. Find your path, but start actively looking for it)
• Health (improve your fitness level, eat healthier and better, sleep more?)
• Social: Romance, Family & friends (Want to get a partner, hang our more with your friends and family?)
• Personal development (developing skills, reading books, learning a language or some other project that you just know you have to go after – maybe starting a YouTube channel!)
• Business/career (Do you have a clear direction of where you want to go?)
• Finances (Planning on making a bunch of money? Long-term investment plan?)
• Have Fun (What fun things do you want to do this year?)

( The video for that you’ll find here:… )

And also a written plan, in some kind of planning system like OneNote or Evernote, for how you are going to reach theses goals. Writing down your plan is a must, you need a place where you can actively work with and frequently update and log your progress on your goals:

• Define the conditions of the goal
• Create an action plan; outline all the relevant alternatives for how you could reach the wanted outcome. Break it down to multiple progressive goals with clear measure points/milestones.
• Among all these alternatives, decide upon the one strategy that (and fits your personal preferences best) will take you towards that goal in the most efficient way.
• Set milestone goals; Every week, 30 days, 90 days, etc.
• Define the first three actions & schedule when you’re going to do them
• Schedule a review & planning session during the weekend and make it holy
• Take the first step on you plan!

(The video for that you’ll find here:… ) So, good luck and make sure to ask if there are any questions!


Posting schedule:
SUNDAYS: New Weekly Personal Development Challenge
WEEK DAYS: Depending on the challenge, but at least one Video/Vlog at the Wednesdays
FRIDAY: Evaluation of Week Challenge

Join us, raise your standards, and start the journey to become the person you’ve always wanted to be,


Snapchat: alenils

/With Love, Alexander

About the author: alenils

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