Can you get that emotionally impacted so you actually shed a tear over your own creation? Don’t call me a narcissist just yet. But honestly, when I looked through my latest ‘stranger’s smile video’ I couldn’t help myself.
I’ve met so many incredible people who, within seconds of meeting me, have been willing to share a smile, laugh and connect with me.
To me, you are a stranger, but I bet you are totally awesome. And I’d love to get to know you, just like any other person I walk by every day to work. But, at least here in Stockholm where I live, you just don’t talk to strangers like that. Or, at least you didn’t use to. From now on, I do. Do you?
My little social experiment wasn’t only for my own egoistic sake of personal growth and joy, but also to show others that it doesn’t require much to have a special moment with a stranger. And I hoped I managed to do just that.